Heal the root causes of your

your song deserves to be sung

If you are fed up with holding yourself back personally, creatively, professionally, relationally, but you don’t know how to change things, you're in the right place.

Zhuzh* up your inbox with Self-belief Notes

A helpful, heartfelt newsletter for humans with Self-doubt. 

Full of tips and stories about how to untangle from self-doubt: because you have things to do! You’ll also receive bonus subscriber-only resources and first notification of opportunities to work with me.

*zhuzh: to make something jazzier, livelier, or you, know betterer!

Self-belief Notes

Self-belief is at the heart of everything you create (or don't) in your life.

Developing self-belief isn't about luck, inspiration, 'high vibes' or finding a hack for procrastination.

It's about untangling from all the ways you have been told that you are not enough, or too much.

THIS IS brave healing WORK.

Here's how I can help:

Self-belief School is where you learn how to heal the root causes of your self-doubt, untangle from protective patterns, and create robust and resilient self-belief, self-acceptance, self-worth and self-trust. The entire programme is evidence-based, trauma-informed and infused with a shit-tonne of compassion.

Create a life that you actually like.


Coaching is complex, relational work - we need a dedicated container to make sense of ourselves, our clients and our work in the world. As the coaching industry matures, Supervision is now recognised as the standard for coaching excellence.

Growth-edge Circles are sacred, rebellious, mutual reflective spaces for up to 6 coaching practitioners.


Meet Sas Petherick

Coach, Supervisor, Trainer, Researcher

My approach to Coaching is evidence-based, deeply compassionate and super-doable!

I've spent the last decade researching and coaching with hundreds of humans to untangle from self-doubt and develop robust self-belief.

I have an MA in Coaching and a Diploma in Coaching Supervision.


What people
are saying

Working with Sas is like a having a wise sage, a best friend and a skilled therapist on speed dial.

- Sara Tasker, @meandorla

After Sas supported us to implement a stronger coaching culture, we are individually and collectively, better able to function as coaches within our organisation.

- Jamie Ward, Global Head of Organisational Development, BBC Worldwide

SBCA is the best investment you can make for your coaching mastery and practice.

- Marie Kenny


Courage & Spice


Courage + Spice is the podcast for humans with self-doubt, hosted by me, Sas Petherick. You can expect interviews with delightful humans, evidence-based resources and original proven coaching tools. If Self-doubt is holding you back in your life, relationships, career, creativity or business, Courage + Spice is especially for you.

Join over 8,000 people and
uncover your...

Self-doubt Archetype


'The Self-doubt Archetypes Quiz was a real 'oh shit' moment.
I found it SO insightful, I’ve been telling everyone I know to do this!'
– Carly


  • You might have heard of personality type tests, but did you know there are twelve Self-doubt Archetypes?
  • Rooted in depth psychology, your archetype shows you the pattern of how you experience, interpret and respond to Self-doubt. It helps you to understand more deeply how and why your self-doubt shows up in the ways it does.
  • Discover your Archetype, and I'll send you a FREE ebook packed with experiments and ideas for how to untangle from your Self-doubt.

By taking the quiz you'll also receive newsletters, offers and communications from Sas Petherick.
