Create a Mighty Morning

You can begin each day with more intention and less procrastination
  • Before you're fully conscious, you reach for your phone, and you find the rest of the day just sort of... happens to you. 
  • It's too easy to spiral into procrastination, and you know the way you're currently starting your day is not helping you progress your dreams, goals and intentions.
  • You're in a cycle of putting off bedtime, causing next-day exhaustion which nixes any hope of consistent morning rituals. (Revenge Bedtime Procrastination is totally a thing!)
  • You can imagine a 'Future Fantasy You' (with zero responsibilities) who wakes up in time for yoga or morning pages or half hour to check in with yourself. But this is so far from your current reality of time-crunch chaos and NO I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOUR FOOTBALL BOOTS ARE that you keep pushing 'snooze' to get away with just a few minutes peace.
  • Feeling behind all day isn't even the worst part - what really hurts is the lack of self-trust that comes from feeling like time is slipping past and you aren't really running your life - its running you.

Mornings are sacred time

Creating a thoughtful, intentional, totally doable ritual for your mornings,
helps you anchor into who you are today, and who you are becoming.

Mighty Mornings is a deceptively simple, gentle approach to beginning each day with intention.
This is not about putting one more thing on your to do list.
This is about creating a compassionate connection with yourself.

The best part is it only takes a few minutes. This means its easy to do this pretty consistently,
no matter what your circumstances are (it's aces what happens when we take perfection OFF the table).

Morning rituals are promises we keep to ourselves.
This is where we build our foundation of self-trust and self-acceptance.

The awesome bonus is that this process minimises procrastination and
sets you up for whatever success feels like for you each day.

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'How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives'
- Annie Dillard

Let me show you how to create
a morning routine that you love:

we'll explore:
And you'll walk away with:
  • How to create a flexible and sustainable Mighty Morning that suits YOU, in this season of your life.
  • The 5 conditions that will set you up for a Mighty Morning - even with complex responsibilities, demands on your time and your own resistance.
  • How to compassionately problem-solve, reset, and ground yourself if your morning includes unplanned events (we're taking perfection off the table!). 
  • An interactive Worksheeet to help you thoughtfully create your Mighty Mornings.
  • Excitement at having designed a ritual that you want to wake up to, and the ability to choose and re-choose as your circumstances evolve.
  • Freedom from the tyranny of not meeting an impossible standard designed by someone who (almost definitely) has a wife/staff.
  • Deepened self-awareness of the ways you get stuck in consistency traps and all-or-nothing thinking.
  • A clear, compassion-led, doable vision for what your Mighty Morning looks like.. and a step-by-step, sustainable plan to support you.

Mighty Mornings Workshop!

  • A 90 minute workshop that covers why we get stuck in consistency traps and all-or-nothing thinking and how to gently  get unstuck.
  • A clear, compassion-led, totally doable vision for what your Mighty Morning looks like.
  • A beautiful reference guide full of suggestions for what your Mighty Morning might contain. If you're not a fan of Morning Pages, or yoga, or swimming wildly outside (where, let's face it, anything could happen, because: NATURE), this is designed to inspire and support your unique preferences.

Hello you! I'm Sas Petherick

For years I was convinced my morning woes were down to not having the right job or not having enough time. But then, I became self-employed, doing work I love. My day was my own, and I still couldn't seem to get my shit together!

Nothing really changed until I started to actively participate in how I wanted to begin each day. Imperfectly. Semi-consistently. With a load of self-compassion. This is where the seed for Mighty Mornings was planted.

My own experience, wading through a metric tonne of research about human motivation, and especially the lived experience of hundreds of beloved coaching clients, means I've been around the block with how we create habits that support each of us in our particular circumstances.

I've developed a gentle, helpful approach I'd love to share.

Your can begin every morning with intention and connection. You can minimise procrastination. You can experience a tonne of pride and joy every single day.

See you inside ❤️

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Kind words from beloved clients...

Working with Sas is like a having a wise sage, a best friend and a skilled therapist on speed dial. My self-belief has flourished, and I’ve taken brave new steps. Though I still regularly feel terrified, I know what it means and how to push beyond it now. I have her wisdom and the great gains from our work together to carry with me always.

- Sara Tasker

Working with Sas has helped me understand that everything in my life stems from my thoughts, all of which are completely under my control. I’ll never be able to think in the same way again - my neural pathways have been altered, like a bloody mind-blowing paradigm shift!
- Gem

I cannot believe how easy it is to talk with Sas, and how quickly she is able to get to the core issues that block me from having the life I want. People in my life notice I am more relaxed, happy and fun to be around.
- Ellen

In the very first session Sas got me really thinking about my life in a dynamic and radically different way. I have learned so much about myself and the things holding me back with the help of Sas’s clear thinking and incredible insight. She gives you practical solutions and helps you build a plan that actually feels possible. I didn’t expect to laugh as much in our sessions as I do!

- Erica

Questions you might have...