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Why am I so mean to me?

How to speak to yourself with kindness

Free workshop!


What you say to yourself when something unexpected or unwanted happens, has a massive impact on your self-worth.


Does this sound familiar?

  • Your inner voice is judgey, bullying, even cruel and uses words you would never say to another person.
  • If something unexpected or unwanted happens, you assume it must be your fault.
  • It's so hard to enjoy your people because you have a running commentary pointing out everything wrong with what you are doing or saying.
  • You feel super awkward when anyone offers you a compliment (because if they only knew the truth).
  • Bullying yourself is how you've got everything done for so long, that you're afraid you'll 'lose your edge' if you stop.

Your voice is the one you hear most often. Is it kind?


Can you imagine always speaking to yourself with compassion, encouragement and respect?

At difficult moments, we most need to have our own back.

If your internal dialogue is judgemental, bullying, or even cruel, it means the most fearful or the most hurt part of you is actually in charge.

Your job is to help this part of you feel safe.

I can show you how.

In this free 90-minute workshop, we'll explore:

  • Where your judgey internal voice comes from - because everything from the tone and words it uses to the contexts that activate it, is no coincidence. We'll figure out what this part of you needs from you.
  • What to do when you are being horrible to yourself - because we so quickly go into a dysregulated state and react from there. I have an effective and tender approach to help you stay grounded and respond from your own Healthy Adult Self.
  • How to change your inner dialogue to one of robust compassion and discerning encouragement. I'm excited to share a super practical, forgiving process you can use every day.
You'll walk away with deeper awareness,
practical tools and a new depth of kindness for yourself.

Sign up below for the replay!


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Hello you! I'm Sas.

I am so glad you found your way here.

This relationship we have with ourselves is a trip, right? It really is for life. And there is no escape - we take ourselves wherever we go. I learned this for realz twelve years ago when I first got sober.

I could no longer numb out from all the shameful things I believed to be true about me - so I had to find a way to be with myself.

Personal experience, coupled with graduate research and coaching with hundreds of clients over the last decade, means I have a toolkit of evidence-based approaches I'd love to share.

You can build a relationship with yourself grounded in unconditional respect, compassion, and kindness. 

I can't wait to meet you.

Sas x

I'm obsessed with helping you heal your Self-doubt, so I created Self-belief School. I also teach my coaching methodology to other practitioners in the Self-belief Coaching Academy. I'm the host of the Courage & Spice Podcast and you'll find me on the Gram most days: @saspetherick do come and say hello x