
Coaches Circle

YOUR HEART-led leadership for your VALUES-led coaching


A Circle for coaches who are devoted to the craft: the mavericks, the mission-filled, the lifelong learners, the energy healers, the creative outsiders, the community impacters, the ones with quiet potential thrumming through their bones. A holistic, collaborative, nurturing Circle where your leadership can ripen.  

I had no idea...

I believe in this work we call coaching, down to my bones.

It's a sacred calling to have the rich and expansive conversations with beloved humans that lead to their insight, development and growth. I've never lost my gratitudey-joyous-wonder for the privilege of doing this every day.

And let's face it, this work is stretchy.

Most of us work alone, with the shiny highlights of our peers in our pockets. There are The Endless Decisions. We need to share what we do again and again. More. Again. To receive money, let go of control, make peace with rejection and failure, and be more visible than the average bear. Not to mention noticing when we are rescuing clients, or getting entangled. Then there's navigating coaching ethics, power dynamics, and unconscious bias in an entirely self-regulated industry... no wonder it feels like every day is Another Fucking Growth Opportunity.

I did not see any of this on the brochure either.


...about all the AFGO's.

When it comes to the business-end of coaching, many of us experience some crunchiness.

Planet Coach reflects our capitalist patriarchy. We see it in the 'never enough' mentality, the deeply problematic behaviours from unhealed 'leaders', the cult of celebrity, and the dismissal of nuance and context (her 5-step success formula was never designed to 'work' for you).

Finding support to help us do this courageous leadership thing can seem like a minefield.

I want you to have a space that encompasses all of your work.  Where you are nourished and encouraged to claim your desires and ambitions, held as you integrate the wins and the wtfs?!  and supported to explore the dynamics that play out with your clients.

Ripen is a Circle for Coaches. For YOU. A sanctuary of restoration, reconnection, and reverence for what you do and how you do it.

Let's allow your leadership to Ripen....



  • Be welcomed into a space specifically designed for you to restore your well-being, test out the shape of your ideas and feel into the stories that help and hinder your choices.
  • Dream out loud with a group of peers who get you - this is alchemical. Creative problem-solving and collaborative idea generation takes your work from good to great, illuminates hidden potential and grows your discernment.
  • Claim the work that sits in the nexus of your meaning and joy, and your client's desires and challenges. Find the words to share what you do and the courage to devote yourself to it (ideal if you are stuck in a pattern of perfectionism waiting for the 'right' thing).
  • Receive engaged, practical support from a deeply experienced practitioner who is in the trenches with you and who understands the specific challenges that come with an online coaching business.
  • Explore topics that emerge from your business presence and client work will grow your self-awareness, sensitivity, and discernment. Understanding why you get entangled with specific clients or fiind particular aspects of your business tricky, is a gift to you, your work and every future client.
  • Stand in the legitimacy of your scope of practice, knowing you are operating intentionally, ethically and within your frame of competence.

A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is holy, dive in - Jeanette Le Blanc


Nine Circles during the year
Support for your client work, your maturing business and you as the leader of your work. Connect to your inner-leader - your Sovereign self, deepen discernment and self-trust. Experience the alchemy of being held by the group.


Soulful Strategy Virtual Retreat
A half-day session to connect to the soul of your work. We'll explore what you want more of, less of and what is emerging. And where is your self-doubt in this? What does success mean to you? What are you ready to claim?


Weekly Voxer Office Hours
You'll have me in your pocket to riff out loud on what's coming up for you, be celebrated in your expansion, seek advice and input, and feel less alone in your leadership.


Two Personal Coaching Sessions
We'll meet twice during our time together to explore whatever feels important to you. It might be co-creating your next offer, strategising your marketing, exploring an aspect of your self-doubt, or accessing your embodied wisdom.


Human Design Leader Profile
My dear friend Dale will put together a personalised profile on your human design. This is so helpful for setting up your practice in a way that allows you to lead organically.


Detailed, encouraging feedback on your copy for your website, marketing emails, or social media. Because your words convey your unique energy, intent, and personality! I'll help you shine your light.


My hunch is you're longing to be supported
as deeply as you support others.

Maybe you've been in group programmes, or joined a few Facebook groups, and you probably have more than a couple of self-paced courses on your computer (samsies!).

But really, you want rich and attentive support. To feel seen, encouraged and understood in your flavour of this work; this unique expression of your soul.

You might be looking to be held by someone who understands the nuance of wanting to create impact, but in a way that doesn't lead to burnout, or requires you to create an 'empire'.

Maybe you sense the potential of your work, but you know you are holding back. You want support to move out of possibility and into the (much messier and way more fun!) Actually Doing It phase.

You might be ready to claim your work, but you don't know how to do it your way. Having someone to co-create with feels like a balm.

I get it, so deeply. I hear you. I see you. Bloody hell I AM you!

Over the years, I've been in 'Exclusive' $1m+ Masterminds and Many Group Programmes. Heck, I bought The Launch Formula (tenderly eye-rolling at my Two-Years-Into-This Self). I've been in trauma-informed Supervision for over a decade. I've also met with two beloved coach pals every month for the last nine years (we call these Sanity Sessions). And my time in Expansion (shout out to Sammie Femming) allowed me to claim something empyreal about how I want to show up.

Ripen is the culmination of the groups, teachings, and containers that have provided the greatest nourishment for my work and have supported the expansion of my leadership.

I want this for you too.

mock up (3)

Here's what's included:

  • Soulful Strategy Virtual Retreat (late January). A half-day session to help us connect as a group, and for you to connect to the soul of your work.
  • Nine two-hour Circle Calls from February - November.
  • Two Personal Coaching calls with Sas.
  • Weekly Voxer support during specific office hours.
  • Your personalised Human Design Leadership Profile.
  • Wordsmithing of your copy throughout.
  • A private site with call recordings and a discussion forum.


Hello you! I'm Sas Petherick

This coaching work is the wildest of rides right?! Like, it's our acutal job to have glorious, expansive, healing conversations. AND everything we need to do to get a client in front of us can bring up all our stuff.

Here's what I know: all this talk of advanced marketing strategies, light codes and secret sauces are just distractions from your ruby slippers: you've had everything you needed all along.

You are your greatest coaching tool, your most essential business asset. You can trust you intuition, the God-winks, and the 'yes' feelings. You can lead from your heart and your values at a organic pace. You get to create a practice that is full of meaning and joy - whatever that means to you.

I've spent the last dozen years helping hundreds of beloved clients untangle from self-doubt and create abiding self-belief (my approach is evidence-based, spirit-nourishing, and way more fun than it might sound!).

As a qualified Coaching Supervisor I believe support for our client work is essential.  AND my favourite expression of coaching by far, is in Circles. To reflect out loud, in an intimate, intentional Circle of like-minded souls is medicine.

But more than anything, I want you to know that I can hold all of your shadows, messiness, shame and fear (in case you have been supported in the past by folks who haven't been able to). All of you is necessary for your leadership to shine, all of you is warmly welcome.

It’s an absolute labour of love to support you.


ps: there is space for all of you.

The fundamentally unique, never-to-be-repeated, utter one-offness of YOU, is deeply valued here.

Your needs, goals, values, and perspectives - your presence - are both welcome and necessary for this shared, collective experience.

Please know there is a seat for you in the Ripe Coaches Circle, and all of you is welcome – including your age, nationality, gender expression, religious traditions, physical ability, sexual orientation, marital status, political affiliation, body size, neurodiversity, visible and invisible disability, racial identity and choice of pronouns.

You can rely on me, and the tiny but mighty support team to hold this group with collective boundaries and individual accountability.

With much love & respect.

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Want to chat?

I'm so happy to help you decide if the Ripen coaches circle is right for you.

Please know my door is wide open to you! Just click below to send a note, and we can take it from there.