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Episode 36: How to build a company of one with Paul Jarvis

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Paul Jarvis is the author of Company of One: Why Staying Small is The Next Big Thing In Business. He also makes software, teaches popular online business courses and for the last two decades has been a web designer.

Paul has worked with professional athletes like Steve Nash and Shaquille O’Neal, corporate giants like Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz, and entrepreneurs with online empires like Danielle LaPorte and Marie Forleo. And he’s written for Wired, USAToday, Fast Company, Forbes and loads of other snazzy publications.

Paul has one of the most thoughtful newsletters for business owners on the internet – I highly recommend signing up for his Sunday Dispatches.

We talk about what it has been like to grow up with the Internet, why growth isn’t always the best thing for your business, why simplicity and elegance are solo business owners’ greatest tools and how to find your ‘Rat People’.

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