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Episode 103: Quantum Self-belief Codes with Pandora Paloma


In this week’s episode, my guest is life and business coach, author and speaker Pandora Paloma. What Pandora does so beautifully, is combine spirituality with strategy; I love how she shows up, inviting us to claim all of ourselves. I myself have been opening up more and more to dancing with the mystery of life – so I’ve been so excited to talk with her – I could literally do a whole podcast series on quantum!

So what’s this episode really about? 

  • I ask Pandora to expand on her reoccurring theme of magnetism: what it means to her and why it matters. 
  • We talk about how, as self-identifying women, we are conditioned to put ourselves last and how we lose ourselves in relationships with others. 
  • More and more of us are waking up to the systems and the structures that have been set up specifically to hold us down – there are so many ways that we are questioning authority. I ask Pandora what she thinks that means in terms of where we are heading as humans. 
  • We also discuss how the world of working has changed so much since the pandemic and we ask the question: is how I am living suiting my life as it is now? 
  • We talk about Pandora’s work with the quantum realm, with all it’s codes and downloads. She explains beautifully what it all means and how it gets woven into her work. 
  • We talk about abundance and what it really means to us both, and the sheer complexity of the subject in terms of quantum manifestation. 

Why you should listen

If you feel you are constantly on a treadmill of the next thing and the next thing and the next, this is the episode for you. Pandora eloquently explains how, by getting yourself present, you are able to enjoy who you are in the here and now – this is the key to quantum leaping in your life and business.


Follow Pandora on Instagram
Pandora’s World of Magnetism

You can quote me on that…

“Your future self is already within you, sometimes it’s about pealing away a layer to allow that version of you to come through.” – Pandora Paloma

“The masculine does good to feel good and the feminine feels good to do good.” – Pandora Paloma

“We can’t be fully magnetised if we are denying half of who we are.” – Sas Petherick

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