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Episode 96: Teens and Self-belief with Maria Evans


I’m here this week with Maria Evans, a coach and mentor for teens helping them to own their future, take on challenges in the times ahead as well as make sense of the ones they are dealing with now. I’m excited to talk with Maria because if there is one thing I get asked all the time it’s: ‘how do we install self-belief in our kids?’ I’m not a parent and I don’t really work with teens, but I know that Maria’s experiences as a teacher, her training as a self-belief coach and her wealth of experience as a parent is going to be so helpful to everyone listening, I just adore this woman! The future is in good hands with Maria on board.

So what’s this episode really about? 

  • We talk about the different pressures that come up for today’s teens (and no, it’s not just social media!) 
  • How the struggles and concerns of teens today are the same as they have always been and we talk about the themes that Maria’s teen clients bring to her coaching. 
  • How Self-belief supports teens and Maria talks about her experiences in the Self-Belief Coaching Academy. 
  • How a safe container away from parents is hugely beneficial to teens (and parents). 
  • Maria offers her invaluable advice to parents on how to steward our beloved kids through the teenage years. 

Why you should listen

Maria talks about how she helps parents let go of some of the control they have on their kids when they are little, gets them to a place where they can safely give permission to their son or daughter to make mistakes, allowing them to fail. If you are micro-managing your teens and have come to the end of your tether, this is the episode for you!

If there are teenagers listening in, I want to send a massive, awkward hug and the highest of fives to you. I promise you – everything gets better.


Maria’s website:

Maria’s Instagram:

The Book Of You:

You can quote me on that…

Maria Evans – “A lot of us have a fear of authority, of getting things right and we somehow think if our kid isn’t handing in their maths homework on time, we are the crap parent.”

Mrs Broadfoot (my wonderful history teacher) – “Just do what you can to revise, I don’t want you peaking in high school.”

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