If you're anything like me, you're deeply committed to your coaching clients.
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and if you know that to be the most impactful coach you can be, you need support too

Growth-edge Circles are designed for you.

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With this calling comes a sacred responsibility:
we need to tend to our growth edges so that we
can best serve our people.

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Because we notice the impact when we don’t address:
  • The apprehension about whether we showed up as a ‘good coach’ (or what that even means).
  • The overwhelm at all the necessary business stuff that sits around our coaching work.
  • The helplessness we feel when someone decides not to sign up. (Worse: when they say they will and then we get ghosted).
  • The confusion over how to share our work in compelling and authentic ways that are not like every other coach.
  • The frustration with clients when they don’t seem to be making progress.
  • When a session goes really well and we’re not sure why, or how to do that again!

Research tells us consistently that the impact of Supervision is broad and profound - for you as a Coach, for the positive impact you have on clients, and for the maturity of our industry as a whole.


We helpers need help too.

We need private, trusted places - sanctuaries for supported reflection.

The sticky truth is that this work is entirely self-regulated.

Few training programmes offer any aftercare.

And most coaches work alone.

It's A LOT.

We need containers where we feel supported and encouraged to explore the dynamics between us and our clients, to stretch into the practitioner we each want to be, and to make sense of the wins and the wtfs? 

Growth-edge Circles offer true connection and collaborative reflection. This is a space where you get to examine what you find challenging, and claim what you are really good at.

You’ll develop increased self-awareness, resourcefulness, and psychological flexibility. 


Growth-edge Circles

intimate tailored support for your coaching business. compassionate reflection for your coaching practice.
what might be possible, if you showed up to YOUR WORK knowing in your bones that you are fully resourced? 
Where you can access an endless supply of:
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from owning the scope of your practice rooted in your coaching approach, your soul’s purpose and your business processes.

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with a small group of peers who trust and respect you because you have each shared your vulnerabilities and uncertainties. That deep sense of camaraderie is priceless.

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of your values and beliefs and ethics - so that you are able to show up for your clients from your healthiest adult self.

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in your ability to deeply impact your clients, knowing your lovingly detached presence is your most important coaching tool.

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as you witness your professional skills expand and positively impact how you show up to your client work and your growing business.

You’ll profoundly expand your CAPACITY TO LEAD, and tend to your own development.

Your Growth-edge Circle calls forward your leadership:

  • Enjoy a trusted reflective space to explore everything from client celebrations and challenges, to how your practice is progressing and what's not working ('off-brand' emotions are SO welcome!).
  • Receive engaged, practical support from a deeply experienced practitioner who is in the trenches with you, and who understands the specific challenges that come with an online coaching business.
  • Be welcomed into a space specifically designed for you to openly express, process and restore your emotional well-being (so you minimise the chance of bringing this into client sessions).
  • Actively develop your coaching mastery by exploring your client work to see where you tend to get stuck. You'll feel resourced from expanded perspectives and juicy experiments to try.
  • Make sense of your very human responses as a business owner - if you feel crunchy about receiving money and praise, the risk of judgement, being disliked, or getting it wrong - this is where you get comfortable in that discomfort.
  • Grow your self-awareness, sensitivity and discernment by tackling topics that emerge from your business presence and client work. Making sense of why you get entangled with specific peeps is a gift to you and every future client.
  • Reassure yourself in the legitimacy of your scope of practice, knowing you are operating intentionally, ethically and within your frame of competence.

As the coaching industry matures, being in Supervision is now recognised as the standard for coaching excellence.


Your Growth-edge Circle

what's included:
  • Support for your business, Supervision for your client work in a small group of no more than six coaches (this is intimate, human work with space for all of you).
  • Monthly two-hour sessions (settle in for rich, unhurried time together).
  • An additional Welcome Call to meet and connect and talk about our work together: the ritual and flow of sessions, the dynamics of the group, including how you like to be supported.
  • Your engaged presence is integral to the whole - commit to attending each session, bring something for discussion, be ready to coach your circle members. This is experiential work - you'll expand your coaching mastery within the group.
  • Each session will follow a flexible rhythm. You’ll know what to expect, how to resource yourself and how to support your fellow coaches.
  • We'll have a discussion forum for support and connection between our Circle calls.
  • You can use up to 10 hours of supervision towards the 40 hours of CCEs that you need for your ICF renewal.
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This work is the thread that connects your training, to your coaching mastery and business success.

Join the waitlist


About Sas Petherick

Master Coach + Supervisor

I began working with a coaching supervisor about a year after I first trained as a coach. I went along to that first session, pretty convinced I was too judgey to be a good coach, which didn't really matter because this couldn't be an actual 'job'.

12 years later, I know Supervision is the single most impactful source of my growth and expansion. Without it, I'd be lost.

This is sometimes awkward work. It's about teasing apart the aspects of client relationships that feel entangled. It's about invetigating all the ways we stifle our business potential. It's also deep and revelatory - like putting jigsaw puzzle pieces together.

My approach is evidence-based, pragmatic, fun and deeply compassionate. I have a Diploma in Coaching Supervision and an MA in Coaching; my Master’s dissertation was a deep study of the experience of self-doubt.

To reflect out loud, in a community of like-minded souls is so bloody nourishing. I believe it's vital for us as coaches. It's the most courageous and impactful work we can do for ourselves, our businesses and especially: our beloved clients.

It’s an absolute labour of love to support you.

Sas x


Questions you might have...


Want to chat?

I'm so happy to help you decide if WORKING with me, is right for you.

Please know my door is wide open to you!
Just click the button to send a note and we can
take it from there.