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Episode 59: Coaching Curious

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Because of the emails and messages, you all send me I know that if you are listening to this podcast, you are interested in your own development as a human and you tend to be self-reflective (which is one of the best things I believe anyone can be).

And I know many of you are also coaches and therapists – I work with a lot of colleagues to help set up a sustainable practice and navigate the inevitable self-doubt that crops up when we embark on putting our hearts work in the world.

So as a self-reflective human or a fellow practitioner, you are more likely than the average bear, to seek out coaching support.

This episode is designed to support you to make good choices if you are ‘coaching curious’ — to understand a bit more about the value of coaching and how to get the most from a coaching experience.

Curoius about coaching? Take a look at Coach Match, where you can coach with experienced practitioners who have trained at the Self-belief Coaching Academy

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