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Episode 147: Tending to wealth with Megan DeBoer


Is you self-doubt tied up in your relationship with money? This week, I’m joined by the Founder of Tended Wealth, Megan DeBoer.

Megan defines wealth as a state of plenty in relationships, health, community, our environment, and of course our finances.

Tune in for a rich discussion on the familial and cultural lineage of money, how we frame our relationship with money based on this history, and what we can do to create new, revolutionary narratives around how we build wealth and what we put it toward.

You can find more about Megan at


Until the end of February 2024, listeners can use this code for 15% off either of Megan’s THRIVE or EXPAND courses: COURAGEANDSPICE


The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein


“The lived history of your grandparents, your parents, what they had to do to survive and the narratives that formed… all of it makes so much sense in the context of where you find yourself in this moment.”

“If we all share these kinds of stories around our worthiness and our need to work really hard, there’s something about that that can be really healing. That sense of ‘I’m not in this alone’ can feel a bit like we’re sharing the load.”

“There is cultural and societal status attached to that form of wealth. And so it’s radical reclamation of what it is, to see wealth that we create around us and our own bodies, to include in that our communities and the financial health of the people in our communities.”

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