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Episode 87: Letting Go of Perfectionism


Perfectionism is a protective belief that if you were perfect you will be safe. That’s the bottom line. It can be any area of your life. It is also one of the most subtle and sophisticated forms of self-doubt. In this episode, we are going to talk about what perfectionism actually is in relation to self-doubt, but also a little bit about how this shows up for you, particularly in that protective self-doubt, the way we try to keep ourselves safe and hold ourselves back. I’m also going to talk about what it means to let go of perfectionism, kinda juicy don’t you think? 

So what’s this episode really about?

  • What are these sneaky protective perfectionist beliefs and how do you know you have them? 
  • How staying in possibility protects us from success. 
  • The cycle feeds the self-doubt stories we tell ourselves. 
  • How perfectionism shows up in four different forms of protection. 

Why you should listen 

This episode is especially for those who identify with being a perfectionist, but it’s also for those of you who seem pretty ok with your perfectionist tendencies! And if you are a fellow practitioner – I invite you to noodle on what it means to you to be ‘a good coach’ and just see what pops up that might be related to perfectionism – about who you have to be, what you are not allowed to feel, what is required of you on social media, from clients, how much income you should be making, the qualifications and training you need. 


The four distinct types of Protector 

You can quote me on that!

“Self-doubt is all or nothing. This or that. Always or never. No one or everyone. It’s absolute.” Sas Petherick. 
“Perfectionism makes it impossible to appreciate what you have right now. Who you are right now. What you are capable of right now.” – Sas Petherick.

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